What is LYF?
LYF is the Lutheran Youth Fellowship. LYF is youth in the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod. All youth and all youth groups of the LCMS are a part of LYF.
What is leadership in LYF?
LYF is about empowering youth for leadership. Leadership is grassroots in LYF. LYF leadership begins at the local level, when youth in their youth groups assist pastors, DCE’s, and other adults in aspects of youth ministry.
From these leaders the Pacific Southwest District has been organizing a group of leadership youth to form the PSD LYF Board. This board is a part of the District Youth Committee and has input and leadership for district youth ministry events.
Nationally representatives from district LYF boards gather annually for CLYFR.
How is LYF organized in the Pacific Southwest District?
There are regional teams that work with local DCE's and other church leaders to plan regional high school and other youth events.
In each regional team, leaders are nominated to serve terms on a district wide LYF board that meets three times a year in Long Beach, CA.
Why are there local LYF teams forming?
In order to better connect LYF from the national and district level to the local congregation, we are launching groups of local LYF teams.
What will these local LYF teams do?
Local LYF teams will host training events for youth groups in their area. They will also work with planning teams for official district youth ministry event in their area. One individual from each local LYF team will be selected to represent their area on the district LYF board.
Who can be a part of a local LYF team?
Any youth who is a current and active member of an LCMS congregation can apply.
How can I apply?
Youth can apply at Focus this November 2017.
What are the terms for serving on the District LYF Board?
Two year terms for two youth in each region. First year one person for one year term and one person for two years. Each year following, one youth will be elected from each region. Each region will also elect an alternate that will serve as a backup in case a term cannot be completed. Alternate terms are only one year. Alternates can be re-elected or elected to a full term. Selection processes are determined by regional leadership.